Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ahh...a new beginning!

The beginning is always so great! Sharpened pencils, new notebooks, crisp folders, and the smell of Crayola's. I love the first weeks of school because kids are so vibrant, and willing to do anything.

The past two weeks have been so awesome with the rules and procedures of WBT. Is it really possible to enjoy school this much? I do recall a time when I didn't know what to do in the classroom. The things that the University taught me had stopped working the third week into the year. What was I going to do now? I trudged on through the muck like everyone else. But alas, WBT began and I new teaching was what I was destined to do!

The beginning of the year has a new meaning for me now...a rockin' time of learning!

Stay tuned for more anecdotes of this teacher who can't get enough WBT in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the classroom blogging world! Can't wait for another year of your WBT updates :) Best of luck this year

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching
